Leadership Training
Hire Lumino to train your team.
Whether you decide to go through our proven Leadership Development Series or want to build a custom plan, we can help. Our training programs are designed to empower your team with the skills and knowledge they need to excel as leaders. From communication and team building to decision-making and conflict resolution, our comprehensive approach covers all aspects of effective leadership. We believe that investing in your team’s development is key to driving long-term success for your organization.
Leadership Development Series
The concept of meeting someone ‘where they are’ with training and coaching is most notably achieved when you align key topics with expectations for a current or future role. Our Leadership Series takes a layering approach to creating awareness in key topics by exposing participants to a single core area for growth followed by allotted time for application/coaching before repeating the process with additional core topics adding layer upon layer as a strong foundation for success. Each session is carefully chosen after discovery conversations regarding the identified participants’ roles, their potential for creating momentum towards the vision and values, along with establishing an environment of accountability along the path.
Read more about some commonly chosen topics covered in our Leadership Series below:
The art of leveraging candor is often an undeveloped but highly needed skill. This session focuses on creating comfort and confidence when sharing insights and guidance with others. It is a game-changer to shift an organization’s culture towards utilizing candor as a norm!
Many times, we migrate to functioning as a group and not a team. This session challenges current trends and sets a new bar towards creating powerful moments of collaboration daily.
Every person we interact with (internal or external to our role) has a unique set of preferences as a communicator. The key to creating credibility and rapport is to leverage clues to discern those preferences and create a flexing path to speak their language. This session unlocks how to use a behavioral style tool (like the DISC assessment) as a strategy to build more effective relationships both personally and professionally.
We believe the value created from Leadership hinges on the amount of productive influence created by the leader. In this session, we explore a framework for building influence and tactical ways to elevate influence to create desired outcomes as an individual and as a team.
Undoubtedly, Emotional Intelligence is one of the most under-utilized skillsets amongst all leadership competencies and yet one of the most proven for creating value. With a passion for developing high, balanced users of Emotional Intelligence, we explore a model for becoming a strategic responder where our approach to daily challenges is intentionally navigated with no regrets!